Satya Tanner

Satya has a Master in Leadership, a Master in Training and Development, and is qualified in a variety of leadership assessment tools. She has studied under Futures Professors such as Sohail Inayatullah, Ivana Milojevic, Robert Burke and Marcus Bussey. She enjoys working with people and organisations that are in search of strategic foresight tools, leadership development, and coaching as a means to respond to the VUCA environment.

Ethical and moral tests to help leaders stay on track

Happy societies are dependent on the degree of ethics present. The more a society tolerates corruption, the more unhappy it is (1).  Societies with a good ethical base have leaders and systems that promote ethical behaviour and therefore can achieve greater happiness. Morals and ethics are related to the standard of behaviour that is allowed within a particular …

Ethical and moral tests to help leaders stay on track Read More »