Principles for a Balanced Economy: An Introduction to the Progressive Utilization Theory


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This book introduces P. R Sarkar’s Progressive Utilization Theory, an alternative, economic vision that transcends both capitalism and socialism yet incorporates important elements of both. This new, economic model extends the existing democratic ideals into the economic arena and suggests that economic democracy?more balance between the local and global economy, fair wages, worker ownership, and environmental sustainability?is key to the formation of a progressive and balanced economy. Sarkar’s economic principles are rooted in a universal, spiritual vision incorporating ecological insights with efficient, green technologies. His ground-breaking worldview grants not only the economic and political rights of people, but also the rights of nature. “This book clearly explains P.R. Sarkar’s alternative economics?the Progressive Utilization Theory. The recent Global Financial Crisis challenged business-as-usual, and the principles herein answer that challenge by giving us a glimpse of the future?a post-capitalist world economy.” ?Dr Sohail Inayatullah, Professor, Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Tamkang University “Sarkar not only illuminated the growth and inevitable decline that comes from the ‘acquisitive-Capitalist’ stage in societal evolution that has now deeply infected the West, but offers wise counsel on what to do instead.” -–Oliver W. Markley, Professor of Human Sciences, University of Houston at Clear Lake “Sarkar’s theory is far superior to Adam Smith’s or that of Marx.” ?Johan Galtung, Founder, UN Institute of Peace Studies About the Author Roar Bjonnes is a researcher and writer with the prout Reserch Institute. He has written articles and essays on alternative economics, ecology, politics and culture published in books, journals and newspapers for the past 25 years. The former editor of the magazines prout Journal and Common Future, he is also the author of Integral Solutions to Poverty, a research piece written for the Encyclopedia of life Support Systems published by UNESCO. He grew up in Norway and currently lives in an eco-village in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.


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