A Proposal for A World Constitution Based on the Works of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar


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Comments on A Proposal for a World Constitution
Based on the Works of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar

Chandra Shekhara has made one of the first attempts to bring together the thoughts of Shri P.R.Sarkar on the subject of world government and the necessity of developing some ground rules for developing the world constitution for the benefit of one and all. Pioneering Work Indeed! – Dada Shambhushivananda, Chancellor of Ánanda Márga Gurukula and author of PROUT – Neo-Humanistic Economics and Towards a Brighter Future

This book is an immensely valuable contribution towards establishing Sadvipra Samaj, the unfinished task of Shrii P.R. Sarkar entrusted to us by him to be accomplished for the good and happiness of all. – Didi Ananda Ramá, Neohumanist Education Global Coordinator and author of Foundations of Neohumanist Education and Ancient Alpine Civilization

The future Sarkar described can seem, given the imperialism of today, far away. Runde has provided us a brilliant book where the future is closer, touchable. Moving between vision and systemic details we (a bill of rights for nature, for example) we gain clarity about what is to be done today, We are thankful for the author’s legal scholarship. – Sohail Inayatullah, UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies. IIUM. Professor, Tamkang University. Editor, the Journal of Futures Studies, and researcher, www.metafuture.org.

Unifying our goals and ideas for a world constitution makes it more reachable. This book will inspire and guide us towards this noble endeavor. – Didi Ananda Candrasekara, GP Sectorial Secretary NY Sector

“This book gives a provocative vision of a world government in a fully functioning Prout society. This sample world constitution that carefully follows Shrii P.R. Sarkar’s discourses allows readers to see how beautiful this future will be.” – Dada Maheshvarananda, author of After Capitalism and co-author of Tools to Change the World. Director of Prout Research Institute in Asheville, NC, USA.


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