Trump Vs Zinn: Time for Neohumanists* to Claim History
By Dada Jitendrananda This reflection on history was prompted by the vexed debate on the teaching of history that flares up from time to time
By Dada Jitendrananda This reflection on history was prompted by the vexed debate on the teaching of history that flares up from time to time
By Roar Bjonnes As many as 70 countries are due to go to elections in 2024. In many of these countries, the choice is simple
By Dada Jitendrananda I arrived in Japan in 1984 at the height of Japan’s booming economy. Japan’s post-war project had been reconstruction, and development of
A company from Dubai, UAE, called Blue Carbon is buying control over vast areas of land in Africa. Why? On the surface it looks like
By Andy Douglas Off a winding northeastern Missouri county road in the middle of the US, a patchwork expanse of houses, fields and community buildings
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