Guest Author

Proutist Universal is lucky to have a number of people interested in making contributions to our website, providing important content that deserves to be read by everyone.

A New Renaissance of Local Farms, Local Food, and Local Economies

By Roar Bjonnes  At 66, I am old enough to remember when the local economy was still thriving. I grew up in an extended family on a small island in Norway. All the apples, berries, pears, and cherries we ate, especially during fall and winter, had been cultivated in our own garden. In the fall, …

A New Renaissance of Local Farms, Local Food, and Local Economies Read More »

How Economic Sanctions on Russia Could Crash the Monetary System

By Tim Shanks The use of economic sanctions as a weapon is an ancient practice. The first recorded instance was in 423 BC, when Athens banned traders from Megara to strangle the rival’s economy. However, it was only in the 20th century that economic sanctions became a regular feature of international relations. After World War …

How Economic Sanctions on Russia Could Crash the Monetary System Read More »

Solving the Inequality Gap: Progressive Taxation or Economic Democracy?

By Roar Bjonnes When editor-in-chief of multinational business magazine Fortune, Alyson Shontell, asked in its June/July 2022 issue if it’s time for a maximum wage, she got my attention. Back in the early 90’s, when I was editor of Prout Journal, I published an article by Sam Pizzigati, co-editor of, which emphatically proclaimed that …

Solving the Inequality Gap: Progressive Taxation or Economic Democracy? Read More »