An Economy for the 21st Century

We are hungry for a new vision.
intended to bring prosperity to all-is steadily driving us towards economic and ecosystem collapse.

We want an economy that serves humanity and our planet, not just a handful of shareholders.

Together we can make a profound change to the way things work. We are building a network of change-makers with effective tools and a cohesive vision for the thriving world that we all long for.

Our Vision


Andy Douglas

The Question of Growth: A review of “Less is More”

Economic growth, especially as charted by GDP, has long been the conventional measuring stick for the health of an economy, but in recent years the glaring inadequacies and drawbacks of growth for its own sake have become quite clear. One current proposed corrective to this is the concept of degrowth.

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“Alternative visions are crucial at this moment in history.
Prout's co-operative model of economic democracy, based on cardinal human values and sharing of the planet for the welfare of everyone, deserves our serious consideration.”