After the Prout Convention of 2016, the team from South Tyrol took the determination to develop a wider local platform for the development and implementation of Prout related initiatives. Today, we are proud to present our accomplishments and our future projects of Prout South Tyrol, Italy.

First, after attending the Study Circle series organized by Dada Maheshvarananda, we were excited with the idea of bringing this format to our own Study Circles that we organize here in Italy. Therefore, the manual Tools to Change the World, written by Dada Maheshvarananda and Mirra Price, has been translated and will soon be available in paperback is ready to use with our team of future activists!
In addition to that, we have two more books that were translated and are soon to be printed: Roar Bjonnes’ Principles For A Balanced Economy and Dada Vandanananda’s Prout –The Way to Socio-Economic Emancipation. Having more resources available in Italian language will help us connect and expand our audience locally and will provide fresh study material for people who are interested in consolidating their knowledge of Prout and how to take the next step, by putting it into practice.

One of the projects that we are working on and that we are most fond of is Turbomandala. This is the name of the website we have dreamt of, designed and, after one year of hard work, managed to put online at the dawn of 2021. This was designed to act as an online learning platform dedicated to a very wide range of public audience who will be introduced to the sublime oriental ideology through the lens of intellectually dynamic western society. We wanted to bring forth, to a public potentially unacquainted to deeply spiritual language, a holistic approach to progress in all spheres of life. Our first online course was dedicated to the socio-economic sphere of human progress and it bears the title “Economia per tutti” (“Economy for All”) because it was meant to address the needs and curiosity of everyone. The point that this course tries to get across is that economy is not a cold and unreachable science, but an important part of human life with deep impact on our daily lives. Therefore, everyone should get to know basic economic concepts, be aware of their own rights, the strength they yield as individuals and the power of change that lies in collective movement.
This is intended as only the beginning of a larger movement that will attract interest and collaboration from various people that support our ideals and our vision. Also, we hope that this will be able to serve as a platform for future projects, like the Prout Academy, that will give scope for more in-depth analysis of Prout.
Go check it out, let us know what you think and don’t hesitate to share your ideas if you’re interested in collaborating with us!
Elia Crucianu
for the Turbo Mandala Team