On Democracy

Political democracy, where the people select their government leaders through free and open elections, holds a vital place in society, but it can be improved by:

  1. educating the populace politically and economically,

  2. ensuring that political leaders are ethical and keep their campaign promises,

  3. preventing politics from being controlled or unduly influenced by moneyed and other vested interests.

Yet in order to improve people’s lives more directly, Prout emphasizes economic democracy even more than political democracy. While voting takes place every 2-4 years, economic engagement is, for most people, a daily activity. Thus, economic democracy, in the workplace and in the local area, is a direct way in which people can take control of their lives. Through local economic planning, localities can build healthy economies by ensuring that:

  1. the minimum requirements of a particular age are guaranteed to all

  2. people’s purchasing power increases over time, raising the standard of living as goods and services become more affordable

  3. all economic decisions are in the hands of local people through their local planning boards

  4. individuals or businesses from outside the local area are prevented from controlling, exploiting, or interfering with the local economy

  5. resources are sustainably and rationally used and the rights of animals and plants are protected

In Prout, one of the essential roles of political democracy would be to support the goals and objectives of economic democracy.

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