Tools to Change the World – Study Guide

Planet Earth needs impassioned activists working together to raise consciousness and transform society. Tools to Change The World, inspired by P.R. Sarkar’s Progressive Utilization Theory (Prout), is a study manual offering a compelling vision of a more equitable, sustainable, and just society that will empower people and communities.
Those who learn about the suffering and destruction in the world soon discover that these problems do not exist in a vacuum – they are interconnected and caused by a broken political system and global economy that makes a few individuals very rich at the expense of both people and the environment.
The activist tools in this manual are proven techniques that unlock our capacity to educate, build collective power, and make a change. The tool box includes: telling your story, journaling, meditation, public speaking for activists, one-to-one interviews, consciousness-raising groups, choosing winning words and slogans, starting successful cooperatives, capturing media attention, leadership training, critical study, and unpacking privilege.
The book’s many resources, activities, and links to articles and videos will deepen your activist experience. The companion Facilitation Guide includes discussion questions, cooperative games, exercises, and more to excite and inspire a democratic study group and to encourage positive activities to transform both you and the world.
Prout is a powerful set of ideas whose time has come. Our movement and its work is staffed mainly by volunteers.
The co-authors, editors, reviewers and designers of Tools to Change the World have donated their time and effort.
We want many people to read and benefit from this inspired effort. Already Levels 2 and 3 are being planned and prepared for. Your support will allow these books to become available to all people everywhere, and is greatly appreciated.
By donating €5, €20, €50 or whatever you can, you will help to sustain and grow the Prout movement and its activities.
Want a hard copy? Buy the printed version here.
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