Month: October 2018

Prout Norway Marches for the Promotion of Local Fodder in Agriculture

by Ole Morten Lyng and Edvard Mogstad

PROUT Norge (Prout Norway) participated in the demonstration they had catalyzed, to raise consciousness about the use of imported soy from Brazil as feed for livestock and fisheries.
Soy imported from huge farms in the Brazilian savanna of Mato Grosso, now comprise 50% of the ingredients in the power feed that has been developed to replace traditional local animal fodder.

Making the Unthinkable the New Norm

Swearing, lies and vicious attacks on his opponents. Trump has set a precedent for flying in the face of political correctness and diplomacy, spurning a new trend in abrasive political rhetoric. Tim Shanks explores how ethical leaders can express themselves in the changing world of civic discourse.